Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Father's Day

An outdated post... (smile*)
What's new?  Busy, busy, busy...
With the house moving (again?!!), with the children, with the household chores, with BSF, with Sunday School... the list goes on and on.

So, how did we celebrate Father's Day?
On the bed!!!  Are you kidding?  Nope!  (smile*)

Just when everyone was celebrating Father's Day, both Andrew and I have food poisoning.
All because of the nasi lemak we ate for lunch.
Unlike other families, Sunday is not a family day for us.  In fact, it is the busiest day in a week.
Andrew will disappear since early morning.  Duty called for.  He has 3 morning services and 1 evening service to attend.  Wow!  4 services in a day?  Yup, for some of us, that is the amount of services we go to in a month!
As for me, I'd normally cook for the children and get Elyse ready to go to church - Sunday School and then P&W Service. 
By the time we came back from church services, it's already 1pm.
So, my father in law will normally buy lunch for us.
And on that special day, it was nasi lemak from the church canteen.
I only ate it around 1:30pm whereas Andrew ate it almost 2:15pm.
Exhausted, he took a nap while I was occupied with household chores.
The children?  Fast asleep together with their daddy.
However, we started to vomit and purge around 5pm.
Thank God that my father in law who ate the same nasi lemak was spared.  He had lunch earlier.
We rested and was recovered the next day.
So, there goes our Father's Day?  Nope, we celebrated it the next day.
We had a presumptuous meal at Bavarian Bierhaus, The Curve.

German pork knuckle was definitely our choice.  It was nice and crispy with a faint smoky aftertaste.  Beneath the crackly skin were a layer of fat and a generous portion of tender meat. 

How else to end the celebration without a present?
Two beautifully designed long sleeve shirt hand picked by none other than the wife - ME!

But what actually make THE day was the desire of the daughter wanting to be like her father -

Mommy:  Elyse, what do you want to be when you grow up?
Elyse: I want to be a pastor.  Just like Daddy.

Happy Father's Day!

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