Dinosaurs Live! Exhibition, jointly organised by Cityneon Holdings (the events and exhibition services subsidiary of Star Publications (M) Bhd), EMS Holdings and the National Science Centre, is the first one of animatronic dinosaurs in the country. The dinosaurs are able to move their bodies, eyes and tongues, looking as alive as they did millions of years ago.
The exhibition has run for three months since May 1st until July 31 2012, with admission priced at RM15 for adults and RM12 for children aged from seven to 12. However, with the cut-out coupon from The Star, we only needed to purchase 2 adults' tickets and children entered for free.
We thought by bringing Elyse there she could have a glimpse of what dinosaurs are like. We hope this would be an eye opening experience for her. Erwyn, of course, is too young to understand. Nevertheless, it was a good family day-out.
This is my first trip to the National Science Centre Malaysia. Together with Andrew, we have visited the Science Centre in Singapore during our 'pat tuo' days many years ago.
All the while Erwyn was alright. Instead of sitting in the stroller, I carried him through the exhibition in fear that the roaring sound of the dinasaurs may frighten him. It did happen once and he hugged me tightly. Soon he was back to his normal cheerful self again.
There were altogether less than 30 life-sized dinasaurs being exhibited. While Elyse and Andrew went for second round, I brought Erwyn outside the exhibition and he happily playing with the 'toys'.
Soon, Daddy also joined in the fun!