Saturday, October 15, 2011


It is indeed a blessings to have my mom around for these few weeks.  She was away in Melbourne when I gave birth to Erwyn.  As soon as she returned, she made plans to visit us in TI. 

My mom is a hardworking lady.  Her grandmother came from China, a typical traditional woman who forbided ladies to go to school.  Thus, she was forced to quit schooling after 12 years old.  She worked in grandfather's plantation ever since then until she was married to my dad. 

After their marriage, my parents ran a sundry shop together.  Mom also took up a few other side jobs while raising all 4 of us up.  I recalled at one time mom took back tones of paper bag and glue them one by one.  Then she started sewing hand gloves and pillows.  After that, she opened a food stall next to the sundry shop, selling breakfast and dinner.  Finally she joined hundreds and thousands of Johorean, day in day out went through the causeway to enter Singapore and worked there.

In recent ten years, she changed her profession to become a confinement lady.  She's pretty good with babies.  Nowadays, whenever Erwyn sees my mom, he smiles broadly at her instantly.  He doesn't really react that way with the rest of us.

Having my mom around at this crucial time is so wonderful.  With my father in law and Andrew in and out of the hospital everyday, my mom is a great help.  And Andrew needs not to worry about his wife and children while juggling between church and parent.  I'm so glad that Elyse also likes to play with my mom although they have some language barrier.  Elyse doesn't understand Mandarin very well and my mom doesn't speak fluent English.

Once again, God has proven His faithfulness and loving kindness to us.  His timing is always perfect.  Thank you Lord!

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