Wow, looks like this is the longest blog I have ever posted. I'm still not too sure how many more parts are there. Perhaps I'm getting a bit long winded.
This year, we did not join the carolling. But on Sunday morning, a church member invited us to her house for dinner the next day as the carollers would be there, too. I'm glad that though we did not follow the group to various houses, at least we get to witness as they spread the Christmas cheer. After picking up Elyse from her tuition at Ujong Pasir, we rushed all the way to Cheng where the member stayed. It was raining and the traffic was horrendous. We were running late!
When we reached there, the carollers were all having their dinner at different corners of the house. Oh, my heart broke. We had missed it! To our surprised, it turned out that the carollers had not sing the carols yet. They were all starving when they reached this house. So, the owner had graciously invited them to fill their stomach before the singing of carols. Hurray!!!
A little incident happened while we were fellowshipping at the porch - that's where the buffet was served. Elyse was locked in the toilet and couldn't get out! The door was locked from the outside. She did not cry, neither did she scream for help. After a few minutes, someone opened the door from the outside and was surprised to find her in there. It was quite a scary experience for her but thank God that Elyse did not panic and was alright after that. (We suspect some of the other children were playing a trick on her by locking her in the toilet ... well that's part of growing up!)
The next event was the Cantata on Christmas eve. The choir were having practice after practice months before Christmas. It was an event not to be missed! The church pews were quickily filled to the brim. Children and I were in the Baby Room throughout the Cantata. I missed out a major part of it as the speaker in the Baby Room did not project out the sound. Not too sure what's the problem but I did not check with the soundman. That's the least thing they should concentrate on since I was the only adult in the Baby Room. I came out of the Baby Room to listen whenever I can. The Cantata was a success, all credits go to the choir conductor, the choir members, the musicians and all the others who were involved. Nevertheless, to God be the glory!
On Christmas morn' we put on our best suits and stepped into the church with much enthusiasm. Perhaps it's because this year we received the biggest present ever (the truth shall be revealed in the next blog); perhaps there were lots of presents underneath the Christmas tree waiting to be revealed; perhaps after weeks of hardwork, finally hubby took a few days leave and we were going back to Subang; or simply because it was Christmas Day!
To be continued...
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