Monday, December 29, 2014

School Holiday Part 5 - Christmas

Wow, looks like this is the longest blog I have ever posted.  I'm still not too sure how many more parts are there.  Perhaps I'm getting a bit long winded. 

This year, we did not join the carolling.  But on Sunday morning, a church member invited us to her house for dinner the next day as the carollers would be there, too.  I'm glad that though we did not follow the group to various houses, at least we get to witness as they spread the Christmas cheer.  After picking up Elyse from her tuition at Ujong Pasir, we rushed all the way to Cheng where the member stayed.  It was raining and the traffic was horrendous.  We were running late! 

When we reached there, the carollers were all having their dinner at different corners of the house.  Oh, my heart broke.  We had missed it!  To our surprised, it turned out that the carollers had not sing the carols yet.  They were all starving when they reached this house.  So, the owner had graciously invited them to fill their stomach before the singing of carols.  Hurray!!!

A little incident happened while we were fellowshipping at the porch - that's where the buffet was served.  Elyse was locked in the toilet and couldn't get out!  The door was locked from the outside.  She did not cry, neither did she scream for help.  After a few minutes, someone opened the door from the outside and was surprised to find her in there.  It was quite a scary experience for her but thank God that Elyse did not panic and was alright after that.  (We suspect some of the other children were playing a trick on her by locking her in the toilet ... well that's part of growing up!)

The next event was the Cantata on Christmas eve.  The choir were having practice after practice months before Christmas.  It was an event not to be missed!  The church pews were quickily filled to the brim.  Children and I were in the Baby Room throughout the Cantata.  I missed out a major part of it as the speaker in the Baby Room did not project out the sound.  Not too sure what's the problem but I did not check with the soundman.  That's the least thing they should concentrate on since I was the only adult in the Baby Room.  I came out of the Baby Room to listen whenever I can.  The Cantata was a success, all credits go to the choir conductor, the choir members, the musicians and all the others who were involved.  Nevertheless, to God be the glory!

On Christmas morn' we put on our best suits and stepped into the church with much enthusiasm.  Perhaps it's because this year we received the biggest present ever (the truth shall be revealed in the next blog); perhaps there were lots of presents underneath the Christmas tree waiting to be revealed; perhaps after weeks of hardwork, finally hubby took a few days leave and we were going back to Subang; or simply because it was Christmas Day!

To be continued...

Thursday, December 25, 2014

School Holiday Part 4 - JB/Spore

After I worship led on the 3rd week, there finally were some free time.  I sms my sis and called my mom, packed my clothes and squeezed in all the necessary items into the luggage and that’s it – JB, here I come!  So good to have a family that’s always ready to welcome us.  And the kids, they sure look forward to having fun with their cousins.

I drove back to JB on Tuesday afternoon with my two kiddos.  Thank God for a good weather.  As soon as we arrived, the kids began their 'fun time'!  

Playing pretend - buying and selling

I am chef Elyse!

The boys had fun chasing each other

safety precaution: helmet (but it's way too big for Erwyn)

The next morning, the action continued...

another competition in progress
We left for Spore around noon time.  Stayed in Michael Hotel.  

Cousins posing together

The chocolate house at the background looks tempting... slurp

Do I look like the Merlion statue at the back?

On the way to Palawan Beach, Sentosa
When you have four energetic young children, it was hell break loose!  Screaming, shouting, laughing, jumping, running... you name it!  So, we've decided to stroll around instead of staying put in the room with all those noises.  Unfortunately, it was raining heavily by the time we reached Palawan Beach.  So, we went back to the MRT station and headed to VivoCity instead.  We had light refreshment at the foodcourt (one of my favourite!!!) then proceeded to Toys 'r' Us.  It was extremely crowded.  The paying counter was flooded with people with all kinds of toys in their hands (no need $$ ah???) and the wrapping counter was worse!  The kids were having fun browsing through toys while the adults stood/sat nearby with a tiring/boring expression.  hahaa... what a contradiction!

After spending two hours there, finally we went back to Sentosa.

Another pose in front of the big globe
This festive season, Changi Airport had been transformed into an around-the-world Winter Wonderland with the help of some Disney magic.  My sis read about it and was eagerly anticipating.  So we decided to drop by for a visit after dinner.

After all the energy-draining activities, both adults and children fell flat on the bed.

The next day, we dip ourselves in the swimming pool at Hard Rock Hotel for more than 2 hours.  Then, time to pack up and back to our nest in JB.  Just before we waved goodbye, we were served with authentic fine Cantonese cuisine at Feng Shui Inn.  All these were complimentary from my sis & brother in law.

The same day evening, we had a surprised for Elyse - Ice Skating at Sutera Mall.  This was Elyse's first time.  I couldn't accompany her coz I needed to take care of Erywn outside the skating rink.  Erwyn did not join in the fun as I felt that he's still too young for this activity.   What amazes me was he did not make a fuss out of it.  He just stared at the other three kids and told me that he would join when he's older next time. 

Since this was Elyse's first trial, I was expecting the staff to guide her.  Well, they did so when my niece and nephew tried it out the first time.  But the staff did not do so!!!  Elyse was all alone walking around by herself.  No instruction was given.  No guidance at all.  Initially, she held on to the railing.  Slowly, she let go and walked all over by herself.  What a brave and smart girl she is!  Mommy is so proud of you, darling!

Unlike Sunway Pyramid, this skating rink is rather small.  But a good size for beginners.

Elyse fell down a few times but she managed to get up and continued on.

We stopped by at My Library, Sutera Mall (a community library) after the skating.  There is a section of audio-visual materials and there are two viewing rooms available.  Since Sis is a member here, she is entitled to use the viewing room.   The children were thrilled, they browsed through the collections of movies and each of them wanted to watch something.  Finally, Jovan (my nephew) took this DVD, The Polar Express, and we all agreed (after some persuasion, of course) to watch it together.

I have heard of this show but never got the chance to watch it yet.  So, I was equally excited.  The children transformed into four statues with their eyes glued to the TV screen.   We did not watch the entre show though.  It was getting late and time for the children to go to bed.  But I promised Elyse and Erwyn that we will watch the rest of the movie another time.  Well, Mommy also wants to find out the ending.  LOL

Finally, Friday was the day to end our JB trip.  The children grab hold of the final moments to play with each other.

Play-doh Time!!!

making some play-doh noodles?

It was raining the whole morning and I was a bit concerned.  But thank God for a safe journey back to home.  We reached Malacca in the late afternoon and here we go, the activities continued.  I rushed to the church for worship practise after unpacking.  I'm so grateful that my mom had decided to spend a few days with me.  She helped me with all the household chores while I juggle with all my other responsibilities.

To be continued...

School Holiday Part 3 - The 'fun' continued

Exactly five days - a break in between before we ventured into another exciting event – swimming lesson!!!  Even for those few days of ‘break’, I was a tutor to my daughter at home.  About a month ago, Elyse enrolled in a Mandarin tuition class.  This was requested by herself, it has nothing to do with the Dad or Mom.  We both are not ‘kiasu’ parents.  But it looks like my daughter is pretty nervous about going to a Chinese primary school next year.  So, a church member recommended this private tutor to us.  One week twice, one and a half hour each session.  This tutor is quite strict and every lesson has lots of spelling test.  Elyse studies very hard each time.  Since her Daddy is a pure banana, so Mommy put on the hat of a teacher to assist her in the spelling test every day. 

It’s the month of December and that’s the beginning of our swimming lesson.  Yes, ‘our’ here refers to Elyse and me!!!  It is one of the things in my lifelist to learn swimming.  Mother and daughter learning swimming together.  Hmm… sounds cool?!?  And we are so privilege to be given free lesson by a church member’s son.  So, for the next two weeks, both of us were in the pool every morning.  Elyse always loved swimming.  She’s exilarated having to swim every day.   As for me, I enjoy picking up this new skill and I’m quite surprised to find myself a fast learner.  However, the only set back is both of us are becoming like charcoal - we are tanned!!!  Oh I supposed I’m still dreaming to be a Snow White rather than… Dark Lord?!!  Hahaa… no, we have no idea what’s the skin colour of the Dark Lord.  But I'm sure you know what I mean.  Vanity, oh vanity... still couldn't get out of the wordly concept of fair = beauty.

Then here comes the Children Christmas Party on 13th December.  I’m so grateful that this event was conducted by The Word Place & St James church, Spore.  The theme for the Christmas party this year is ‘The Gift’.  There were around 20 youth put forth a short skit on the birth of Jesus.  I would like to compliment for their effort in welcoming the children and in games.  They did a wonderful job as many children came from non-Christian background.  They actually reminded me of many years ago how I had my first Christmas. 

I was a babe in Christianity as that year was my first time spending Christmas as a Christian.  There was a group of Singaporean youth visiting my church.  Honestly, they were awesome!!!  They brought their own stage light (!!!), props, costumes and accessories.  They prepared several performances as they were required to do so in shopping malls besides the church.  Their performance were complete with sound effect, dance and songs.  And that was the first time I heard the song ‘We are the Reason’ and I fell in love with it right then.  I couldn’t remember which church they came from as I was quite young.  Or should I say my memory has failed me (sign of old age).  But joining them in their practises opened our eyes to see how energetic, funny, yet full of zeal for Jesus this group of young people were.

Christmas Party was over but not my hectic days.  Hubby had gone on a short mission trip (in December?!?).  Yup, December is a super busy month yet hubby gladly spared his precious time on precious orang asli.  Adding to the stress, I was scheduled to lead worship on the 3rd week of December and on Christmas Day!  I love to sing, but it doesn’t mean I do not stress out every time I lead worship.  I love to lead people in a time of worshipping God, but it doesn’t mean I do not feel nervous whenever I am on the stage.  But I’m so happy to have people to support the not-so-musically-inclined-me.  All of them deserved a warm hug from… Olaf!  LOL

To be continued....

School Holiday Part 2 - Ordination Service

We left around 9am on Monday morning.  This is my second time driving to PD.  Everything went well and we reached there 10 mins before the service started.  That’s where the nightmare began.  The service was long and solemn.  I guess it was a bit too ‘solemn’ for kids.  That reminded me why I do not want to attend the conference for the past few years.  My children are wonderful.  I know they tried their very best (especially my girl) to sit through the service quietly but even some adults expressed their discomfort at the length of the service.  I brought some activities books to keep them occupied.  Finally, as soon as hubby was officially ordained, I brought my kids out of the hall to breathe the air of freedom. 

What I love the most at the Ordination is the introduction of hubby given by Rev Ricky Ho.  Rev Ricky was my former boss when I was working in TMCPJ.  I know he had a special place in my mother-in-law’s heart when she was still around.  There’s no one better than him to introduce hubby to the floor before the ordination.  We are so grateful for a group of church members to be here for hubby as well.  Their support and love are well remembered in our hearts.  It is also at such place where we met old faces.  How lovely to have a little catch up with friends from Teluk Intan, PJ and KL.

What followed next was a fun time for children but exhaustion for adults.  I booked a family room at Prima Land Hotel.  This is our second time here.  My children loved this place as the swimming pool has water slides.  The booking was quite last minute as we did not plan for this trip.  There was no sale at Groupon at that moment.  Family Room seems to offer the best price compared to the 2-room apartment.  The check-in was a bit slow this time.  Probably due to the overwhelming crowd as it is school holiday now.  To my horror, the receptionist told us that the room was not ready but we may go in now.  The housekeeping cleaned up the room as soon as we put our luggage down.  In fact, they were a bit surprised to see us there with the mess.  Our initial plan of resting in the room before swimming was not to be, so the kids happily changed into their swimsuit and jumped into the pool.  I waited in the room for the cleaners to finish off and then tidy things up before joining the rest.   

We were so happy to have Ah Gong with us in the pool this round.  Elyse was trying out all the slides without hesitation.  Of course, hubby accompanied her all the time.  Erwyn stayed with Ah Gong in the pool splashing away.  I encouraged Erwyn to play the slide, knowing that he would love it as well.  In fact, he played the water slides the last time.  Initially he was a bit resistant but after he tried once, he was hooked to it and kept playing until the adults were pleading him to stop.  Reason is, he does not slide down by himself.  So, the adults carried him on their laps and slide down with him.

The next day we played the water slides the whole morning until check out time.  The journey back home was safe and sound.  However, the outcome of a one-day-fun was two loads of laundry with hours of ironing.  I guess that’s the life of a mom/cook/cleaner/driver.   

To be continued...

Sunday, December 21, 2014

School Holiday Part 1 - Busy days ahead

This year Year-End Holiday is the busiest ever.  I have not have time to feel bored yet.  So, what exactly am I busy with?

The school term ends on the 21st Nov 2014.  Hubby went to PJ to attend the BOM interview that day itself.  He did not stay overnight as the next day he needed to go to Port Dickson for TRAC Conference.  The kids were with me all day long.  I even brought them to DG in the evening.  Both hubby and I thought he would be back by 8pm as his interview was scheduled at 4pm.  But hubby only managed to come back around 9:30pm.  Having kids with me at DG is no joke.  My attention was constantly drifted away to their whereabouts and trying to minimise their distraction to the group.  It was very tiring and I was exhausted by the time hubby brought them home.

Saturday is always a busy day for me.  As a personal driver for my daughter, I drive her to ballet class and then art class.  After that, went for worship practise with my two kids.  I felt so terrible when I found Erwyn crying in the Baby Room while I was having tambourine practise with the girls.  I guess sometimes I forget how young my little boy is.  The tiredness carried forward and the day ended with me ironing clothes at midnight.

My internal clock was calling but I was so hoping for another few minutes to lay on my comfortable bed.  It’s Sunday but I was not very excited about it.  Having hubby away for the last two days drove me up to the wall.  Yes, I do appreciate hubby’s effort of taking care of the children whenever he is able to.  It does matter to me as a stay-at-home-mom.  I enjoy showering the most coz that’s the only place at home where I am alone and children could not reach me.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love my children.  They are very precious to me.  But there are times I treasure my ‘me’ moment.  This is especially true for introverts.

Sunday morning is all about church.  Prepare food for the children to eat at church, get them ready for church, and finally go to church.  After lunch, time to do some packing as we would be going to PD the next day to attend the Ordination Service.  This year hubby was ordained as an elder and my FIL has expressed his desire to witness this special moment.  As for me, honestly, I was not the least keen to be there.  Probably that was due to the previous experience I had in TRAC Conference. 

It was hubby’s first year as a pastor in TRAC.  I followed hubby there because one of my best friends is staying in that state and I had not met her for years.  I was at the end of my first trimester of pregnancy and my girl was about 2 years old.  I was still suffering from all the morning sickness.  Hubby was busy as a recording secretary and I was left handling my girl all alone all day long,  stuck in the hotel with no where to go.  The most I could do was to put my girl in the stroller and pushed her around the hotel for a stroll.  My dear friend was so kind to ‘da bao’ food for me the first night and brought me out for a cup of tea the second day.  However, since then I determined in my heart never to attend TRAC conference as I find the conference not very children friendly.  Well, what do I expect?  It's a business meeting after all.

To be continued...