Thursday, June 21, 2012

VCS 2012

This year the Vacation Church School (VCS) organised by Trinity Methodist Church PJ was held on 1st - 3rd June at Eagle's Ranch, Port Dickson, in conjuction with the Family Camp.  There were altogether 40 kids attended the VCS.  And I was honored to be invited as the Camp Speaker.

The preparation started since 2 months ago.  I began sourcing out for teaching material for the camp theme: Family Altar.  Many thanks to Sis Lisa from KL Wesley who have rendered much help in finding the material.  Unlike 2 years ago, I have ample time to write my own teaching notes and looked into every details; this year, I've got to juggle in between household chores and 2 kids.  Thus, the only spare time I have is midnight. 

Finally when the day arrived, we set off for PD.  We reached Eagle's Ranch around 3pm.  Since the teaching session only started the following day, we spent the whole afternoon setting up and decorating the hall.  My father in law and Andrew took over the care of the children, leaving me sufficient time to touch up with the final details.

The next day, the teaching kicked off at 9am with a photo of my father.  It touched on our relationship with our heavenly father and how we communicate with Him.  A short skit by Bro Steven brought much laughter to the crowd followed by 3 volunteers from the floor acting out the scene of Hannah prayed to God for a child.  Sis Janice and Sis Ruth skillfully presented how much important it was to have a good relationship with God in order to spend time with Him.

The second session started off with an exiciting Treasure Hunt.  Four out of seven groups found the treasures within minutes.  Indeed, God's written Word is just like the treasure map, guiding us to find the very treasure of life - God Himself!  The Puppet Skit presented by four teachers were the highlight in the second session.  It was indeed a challenge as they only have a night to practise.  The children certainly enjoyed the puppet show.  It was not an easy task for the 2 volunteers to go through an obstacle course with their eyes blindfolded.  It is as though we as children of God trying to live out our Christian life without reading the Bible.  Finally, the introduction of the Super Kid Diet was not warmly welcomed by the kids.  Simply because the Super Kid Diet was consisted of chocolate, potato chips, ice cream and all sorts of junk food.  After all, we cannot live healthly with this kind of diet.  We live by everything the Lord says in His Word!

The third and final session began after the lunch.  The viewing of the movie: The Chronicles of Narnia caught the attention of the children.  It is a great movie to portray how we ought to respect God just like the entire army bow down before Aslan.  The children were encouraged to develop the following sequence of prayer in their daily devotion with God: Praise, Confess, Read, Ask, and Thanks. 

The tea break came in just the right time with Magnum ice cream as a treat to the participants.  It freshen us up and got us ready to go for another round! 

The art and craft was done swiftly followed by a practise for the talent time.  Two kids were selected to present a puppet skit, while the rest of them sang the song 'Ever Move I Make'.  The kids picked up the action of the song quickly and in no time we were dismissed for another break.

The night drew near as we ran through a final round of rehearsal for the talent time.  Everything went on well and the crowd (the adults) cheered for the participants as the curtain closed.  That marked the end of my journey here with these TMC folks for the time being.  Farewell, kids!

We rushed back to our room and packed everything into the car.  The incredible Daddy drove all of us back home safe and sound. 

VCS - The End

Elyse helping Mommy to prepare for her teaching aids.

Yeah, it's done!

The hotel reception

This is where we were staying - the Paddock Chalet

Grandpa with grandchildren
Having fun in the room

This was where Ah Gong stayed - the Bandwagon

Never ever missed the swimming fun

Sleeping soundly in his cot

Breakfast time!

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