Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tumpaksewu Waterfall

Our second night was at one of the homestays in Lumajang.  The next morning, we headed to our next destination - Tumpak Sewu, also known as the “a thousand waterfalls,”.

This majestic waterfall is famous for its impressive cascade and lush green surroundings.  Standing at 120m tall, this mind-blowing waterfall will take your breath away as you admire its amazing views from the panoramic viewpoint.  It only takes about 10-minutes walk from the parking area to see the curtain of dewy white waters cascading down the rock face.  It is unlike any waterfall I have ever seen.

The trail down begins with some bamboo ladders followed by a rocky section with a small waterfall running down.  Nothing too crazy; just watch your step and hold on to the rope as walk down. A good pair of shoes definitely helps a lot.  I was glad that I rented a pair of kampung adidas from the homestay. 

Once you reach the bottom of the canyon, it’s sheer beauty.  It was as though you are in a movie scene - but this time you're not watching it from the screen; YOU ARE IN THE SCENE!  

The towering cliffs stand at impressive heights and water plummeting down from everywhere.  This waterfall is absolutely gigantic and immensely powerful.  How fragile and tiny are we compared to the majestic handiwork of God.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky displays his handiwork.

As usual, we took lots and lots of photos and spent quite some time in this place.  Little did we know, the journey was not over.  Our tour guide brought us to the next few waterfalls and finally Goa Tetes.

Goa Tetes is a small cave behind this set of falls.  It is worth a quick visit as there are many beautiful spots to hang around before making the hike back up the cliffs.

Tumpaksewu waterfall - one of the most spectacular waterfalls in East Jawa and the experience was simply magical! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Mt Ijean Blue Fire

Mount Ijen is an active volcano crater located in East Java, Indonesia.  It is well known for its blue fire, which is in fact blue light emitted from the combustion of sulphuric gases.  Another highlight is the turquoise-coloured acidic crater lake.  This lake is recognised as the largest highly acidic crater lake in the world.

We checked into Hotel Barata Bondooso, Ijen on the first day.  A lovely place but only for a night.  We were advised to rest early as we'd be departing at 12 midnight to start our journey to Paltuding area

The temperature was about 15C when we reached the park entrance of Ijean.  When the gate finally opened at 2am, we started our two-hour hike to reach the rim of the crater, followed by a 45-minute hike down to the bank of the crater.  The main path is all dirt and fairly steep. 

For those who prefer to skip the strenuous uphill struggle, you can pay the local sulfur miners to push you up the hill on their trolleys for IDR1.5million/return.

After arriving at the crater, most people will immediately start to hike down to watch the blue fire. You can only see it before sunrise.  Hence the urgency.  The only other place on Earth where you can see this unique phenomenon is in Dallol, Ethiopia.

There's no trolley service from this point onwards.  You are on your own to hike down 500m, 30-45mins rocky terrain.  It was pitched darkness and all you can see is a crooked row of moving lights (headlamp wore by the hikers) snaking down the rocky slopes, zig-zagging endlessly.

We put on our gas mask as the sulfur fumes make the air unbreathable.  At times, we need to give ways to the miners.  The miners carry large pieces of sulfur blocks in baskets (around 75-90 kg), trek in and out of the crater twice a day.  Most of them just use a piece of rug to cover their mouth and nose.  

After it seemed like forever, the cheered of the crowd shifted my eyes from the floor to the captivatingly surreal - the mysteries blue glow of light.

Everyone was fighting to find a good spot for a good photo.  But very often when the wind changes its direction and blow all the nasty sulfur gas right at your face, the blue flame is the last place you want to be near.

After a few decent photos, we moved further away from the blue flame and just admired it from afar; fascinated at God's amazing masterpiece. 

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, our eyes were captured by the striking turquoise blue waters.  How can anyone not fall in love with such beauty of God's creation.

Bright yellow sulfur, gray volcano rock, turquoise blue acid water - that is Ijean.  

Sunday, July 25, 2021





去年刚开始上网课时,由于时间紧迫,每一堂课就好像火箭般,迅速地带过。也许是新鲜感,虽然不易,但也应付得绰绰有余。当然,这要归功于我对电脑软件的知识和运用都有一定的基础。Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, Excel都游刃有余。疫情当下,我更是学会了使用kdenlive视频剪接软件来制作主日学教学视频。

但是今年当疫情再次爆发,而幼儿园被要求关闭时,心中千丝万缕。喜的是上网课,孩子们就不会有在课堂上的冲突。老师也不需要做和事老。忧的是我又要夜夜 PowerPoint了。

准备 PowerPoint 真的挺花时间。我每一堂课至少花一个小时构想、设计、编排课程。这还不包括上网找资料和附加课堂外 WordWall 或 Blooket 的练习。虽然疲累,但是希望这些能够激发孩子上网课的兴趣,以此达到 ‘停课不停学‘ 的宗旨。

即便如此,当我发现只有一半的学生上网课时,心中顿感失望。最难过的是,缺席的学生都有上其它网课,唯独没有上华文课。我白思不得其解。我非常肯定其他老师没有花这么多功夫在教学题材上。那为什么学生没上我的网课呢?答案很简单: 因为学习华文纯属消闲。父母并没有很认真看待华文科,因此小孩上不上华文都不打紧。

当我知道父母的想法后,曾经感到很无奈。对于一位老师而言,多么让人气馁啊!老师们花了那么多精力和时间,但父母的一句话,把我们的心血付诸东流。 当然,还有其他父母很积极地配合、督促小朋友,使他们不会就此懒散。在此,我献上万分感谢。其中有一位母亲这样说:“老师,听说你有开补习班。希望我的小孩上一年级后,你还在继续教。”  言下之意,是希望将来我能够在学业上监督她的孩子。另一位妈妈告诉我:“老师,我的小孩最喜欢你的课了。如果哪天没有你的课,他会很伤心。”  简简单单地几句话,却让我振奋不已。

最近,幼儿园委员会邀请一位创办人加入。 这位创办人不但开办了自己的幼儿园,而且还搞得有声有色。她的加入乃是要帮助本校注入新概念、加强老师们在网络执教上更上一层楼。她的首要任务就是逐一进入我们的网课做考察。考察后的结论是:虽然我并非全职老师,我的教学方法却是上等的。甚至超越创办人自个儿的幼儿园老师。她还设我为楷模,鼓励她的老师模拟我的教学程式。

这对我来说是何等的荣耀啊! 她对我的肯定、认知,就好像颁了一个特殊荣耀奖给我。所有的辛酸、泪水、熬夜,都是值得的。感谢上帝,在我最需要鼓励的时候,给了我这么大的一个嘉奖。我会继续努力,以生动有趣的表达方式带领小朋友们进入知识的宝库。

Friday, January 8, 2021


好久以前就很想去座落于怡保的Tasik Cermin。上网查看时,犹言众口一辞,这里风景迷人,仿佛世外桃源。终于在2021年1月1日,我的梦想实现了!



到达怡保的第一个景点是Gunung Lang Recreation Park.  虽然这不是我们的首选,但地点是我们必经之地。所以我们就顺道停下来逛一逛。不巧的是,星期五中午12点到下午3点是穆斯林教徒祈祷的时间,船只停止运作。而休闲公园其实是在湖的对岸,想要过去就得买票坐船。大伙儿围绕在狭小的码头等候,哪有社交隔离呀!我们无意与众人相争,也不愿浪费仅有的时间在等待上,于是转身想离去。这时,身旁的小孩丢了一块面包到湖里。鱼儿争先恐后地游了过来,激起朵朵水花。一瞧之下,鱼儿身形超大,让我们大吃一惊。停下脚步,我们欣赏了一会儿,就此道别。



眼尖的儿子女儿在不远处发现刚开张不久的Petting Zoo. 老公和我犹豫片刻,终于还是妥协了。毕竟孩子们喜爱小动物,而现今居住在城市里的我们,家里只有几只小鱼做为宠物陪伴左右。

Petting zoo的规模不算大,但满足了孩子们的期望。接下来,我们一同前往我心仪已久的Tasik Cermin.  

Tasik Cermin 果然名不虚传。穿越了一个大约150公尺的黑暗隧道后,映入眼帘的是碧绿的湖水与葱绿的树木围绕左右。这隐藏的幽谷,让我顿然想起武侠小说里武功盖世的高人居住的秘境。而我则在机缘巧合下得以寻访此地,目睹其风姿。

得偿所愿后,我们入住Regalodge Hotel. 巧的是,在那里遇到老公职场上的另一个战友。夫妻俩也是来参加会议。更匪夷所思的是,他们的房间竟然在我们客房的旁边。

Regalodge Hotel 房间品质不错,地点极佳,又附带早餐,价格非常优惠。美中不足的是,它的抽水马桶偏低。


隔天,我们见证了Pastor Jonathan, Pastor Lester 和 Pastor William 正式被按立,委任并差遣牧养上帝的教会;心中十分感慨。愿上帝赐福与他们!在事奉的道路上力上加力,恩上加恩,为上帝的国度发光发热;上帝与他们同在!


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Who am I?

Recently I came across an article “Reach out to your new pastor’s wife” ( It was a survey done on the pastor’s wife and their feedback.  I laugh about it as I read it, but deep down I couldn’t help to agree most if not all.

What do you wish the congregation would know about you?
  • The church hired my husband, not me. I’m not his secretary or courier.
  • I’m a real person and not perfect or always have it all together. I have the same fears, struggles, insecurities, and flaws as everyone.
  • I’m a person, not an entity.
  • I’m a member of the church with gifts and abilities just like everyone else. I don’t necessarily have more gifts or abilities.
  • I have bad days too.
  • What I look like and how I worship and respond to the message or the service is not a subject for comment or gossip.
  • Who I’m married to doesn’t define who I am.
  • I’m learning right alongside everyone else and I don’t have all the answers.
  • Treat me as you would want to be treated. I’m just another Christian woman doing the best she can to follow Jesus.
  • Don’t assume I’m too busy; let me be the judge of my schedule.
  • I may not know all the details about every church event. I also may not attend every church event.
  • Don’t view our relationship as one in which I meet your needs.
  • Don’t put unrealistic expectations on me to know all the “right” answers, quote a Bible verse every time we talk, be “perfect”, or have it all together.
  • No two pastors’ wives are the same. Some love having others in their homes, some sing, some love leading, some are very out-going, others want to be in the background or are shy and don’t like large groups. Some find it difficult to build relationships. Just as all women are unique, so are pastors’ wives. Have realistic expectations of your pastor’s wife.
Sunday mornings for a pastor’s wife:
  • I’m essentially a single mom on Sunday, which makes that day more stressful for me. My husband leaves two hours earlier than the rest of the family and I need to get the kids ready, arrive on time, and show up at church with a smile, and expected to encourage and offer gentle wisdom to every congregation member I run into.
  • Sundays can be very lonely as a pastor’s wife. I look around at other families who are able to worship together. It’s something I long for, but will not have.
I am glad to know that there are so many pastors' wife out there who are facing the same struggles as me and it's nothing wrong for me to feel this way.  However, I do wish for a mentor who can be there for me guiding me through this journey.  
 I am grateful for church members who have extended their warm hand of fellowship to me and make me feel who I am.  Nevertheless, it is a lonely journey and only God whom I can confide with.  I am thankful I have a loving husband who tries his best to be there for me.  Of course, my two beautiful kids who filled my days with laughter and memories.

Given a choice, perhaps I wouldn't choose this path again.  Yet I know that every life experience is a learning curve.  Now it is up to me to allow it to mold me to become more Christlikeness or bring me down. 

How about you?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

On Fire

Ever wonder when will your house be burned down?  Just recently, I came so close to such experience.

It was just another afternoon.  Andrew was in the office.  Elyse was in school attending Robotics.  Erwyn and I were at the dining table; I was coaching him on his homework.  My mom was with us the past few days.  As usual, she practically forbid me from doing any household chores and cooking.  So, I don't step into the kitchen whenever she is around.

Lunch was over but mom was still busy in the kitchen.  I didn't care much as she loves cooking; probably she is preparing snacks or dinner.  Not until I smelled something amiss.  I didn't want to make a fuss or interfere at what mom is doing, so I remained at the dining room.  The smell grew stronger.  And stronger.  Finally I left Erwyn and went into the kitchen.  Seeing that my mom was keeping the laundry, I opened the lid and wondered what was she boiling.  Noticed the water level was very low, I turned off the fire.

"Ma, what are you cooking?" I asked.  "Close the lid, close the lid!" she yelled back at me.  "I am cooking oil."  Although there are hundred of questions marks in my head, I obediently switched on the fire to low and closed the lid back.  I convinced myself that mom knows what is she doing, just let her be; I went back to Erwyn and continue on with our study.

Minutes later, I smelled the burning smell again.  Even Erwyn also asked me what is grandma cooking.  Since I have interfered the first time, I didn't want to barge in again.  I waited and waited.  By now, the whole house is full of burning smell.  I wonder did our neighbor smell it or not. 

Finally, I went back to the kitchen with no signs of mom.  So, I opened the lid again to check.  I was expecting to see a black pot.  Smoke maybe.  But to my horror, there's an open flame!  I turned off the stove and reached out for a bigger pan lid and close the pot, hoping that this may cut off the oxygen supply.  But the fire continued to burn inside the pot.  At the same time, I called for Erwyn to give Daddy a ring so that he may be home to assist.  My dear Erwyn took the phone to me instead.  I guess he was panicked and didn't know how to make calls at such a moment.  Dialing Andrew and thank God, he picked up the phone swiftly.  He might have rushed back but to me it took him forever to be home. 

The pastor of the church may have never thought of his wife would be capable of burning down the church.  It would be a big news!  After all, we only moved here 4 months ago.  Andrew seemed lost at what to do initially.  Finally, he recalled there's a fire extinguisher outside at the lift and made use of it.

Thank God that the fire is put off and no one was hurt in this accident.  Looking back, this is our very first encounter with a real fire senario.  I am grateful to God that recently I saw a clip on why we shouldn't pour water onto a grease fire.  If not, more harm could be done. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Grandma's passing

After 3 weeks of food gallivanting, Bi Ee Ean finally bid us farewell and returned to Adelaide on April 1st.  The same day, mom came over from JB.  The timing was excellent as Andrew would be away for Pastors' School for the next 3 days.

One of the advantages of moving to KL is my eldest aunt is staying in Puchong.  So, after staying with us for a couple of days, my mom went over to stay with her for a few days before returning on Wednesday morning.  With the help of the GPS, I managed to fetch her back all by myself.    

But at midnight mom received a call from my aunt.  Grandma was hospitalized and my uncle planned to make a trip to Segamat at 6am that morning.  So, I drove my mom over to my aunt's place at 5am and back in time to prepare the kids to school.

Apparently Grandma complained she was suffering from breathing diffculty and finally they sent her to hospital that evening.  She went into coma the following morning.  However, later that evening she woke up.  But her condition worsen on Saturday and the doctor advised to pull the plug by Sunday morning. 

When I heard that saddening news on Saturday evening, I decided to make a trip down on Sunday morning.  Again, this was the first time I drove all the way to Segamat from KL all by myself.  The kids were with me.  Andrew was preaching on Sunday morning hence couldn't come along.  We reached Segamat around 11:15am.  However, around 10:40am my sis called me and said grandma has passed away. 

I stayed for awhile before making my way back to KL again as Elyse has handbell performance that evening.  We left at 1:15pm and estimated to arrive at 4:30pm.  It was quite rushing as 5pm is the service.  Elyse managed to grab a bite before running over to join the handbell.  Meanwhile, I contacted her teacher to ask about taking a day off from school on Tuesday.  Usually it isn't an issue but coindentally she is sitting for her exam these two weeks. 

Monday morning Andrew had to conduct a funeral for a church member.  Children went to school as usual but they skipped the afternoon class.  We left KL around 2pm and reached Segamat at 5pm.  The wake and funeral were done according to Buddhist rite.  We didn't join the rite but simply stayed put.  I am utterly surprised to see not many of my cousins turned up for the wake and funeral services.  At the same time, the family is more open-minded now.  Not forcing anyone of us who are Christian to join the ceremony.  It wasn't so when my grandpa passed away.  My sis and I helped with the collection of the 'pek kim' (donation for the deceased family) that evening.

Andrew took off so he needed to inform the church office the reason.  Ps Ricky asked the office to send a wreath and he told the LCEC about it.  But since Andrew only told them on Monday evening, he was afraid that the wreath couldn't be delivered in time as the next day noon we were leaving for burial.  So, he told the office no need to send.  A few church members passed the 'pek kim' to me and conveyed their condolences.  For that I am grateful.

Tuesday morning, more chanting and buddhist rite but finally we left for the burial ground at 12:30pm.  Grandpa was also buried at the same place.  This was my first time visiting grandpa's tomb after he passed away when I was 12. 

Came back around 3pm and rushed back to KL immediately.   Tiring trip and Erwyn fell ill on Wednesday evening.  He had a temperature hence didn't go to school on Thursday.  Andrew is also not feeling well. It's Holy Week and many services ahead.  But I am glad to be there with the family at this moment of grief.