Saturday, August 26, 2017

Erwyn really gone missing!!!

I am always very proud of not once having lost my kids in shopping malls or anywhere.  My eyes were constantly on the look out for their whereabouts.  As they grew older, I began to feel a bit more lax on keeping them within my sight.  Hubby always feels that I am over protective.  But, 一失足成千古恨。悲剧往往发生在那一瞬间。The last thing is to blame ourselves for what has happened and regret it for the rest of our lives.

Andrew has gone to LA and so I thought of bringing the kids to the beach for some fun.  The beach was very crowded since it was a weekend.  I don't like to bring my kids to crowded places.  Unfortunately, there's where the action is.  The horse-riding, the bubbles, the ATV... all kinds of activities will only be available on a Sunday afternoon.

Elyse wanted to ride on a horse, so my mom took Erwyn to play the sand at an empty spot.  We joined them shortly after that.  Awhile later, I left the kids with my mom and went to fetch water for Erwyn as he  requested.

But when I came back, Erwyn was no where to be found.  Elyse wasn't paying attention to Erwyn as she was busy playing.  My mom was trying to fly the kite for Elyse.  When I questioned mom, she told me Erwyn followed me to fetch the water.  I denied as I went there by myself.

We searched everywhere for my precious boy.  I was crying in my heart for God to protect my darling.  The beach was big and there were so many people.   Minutes passed, yet no sign of Erwyn.  My heart sank.  Perhaps it wasn't that long, but each second was like a thousand years for me.

My thoughts went wild.  How am I supposed to tell hubby I lost Erwyn?  Did someone take my boy away?  Or did he drown?

And when I finally spot my little prince crying for mommy amongst the crowd I ran and hug him as though any second more he would disappear again.  This was the worst nightmare I ever have.

Nope, until today I have yet step foot on that beach again.  Other beaches, yes; but not that particular one.  I couldn't imagine how I would survive without my baby again.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Agape Church & FGT

Hubby and I like to visit other churches.  No, we are not church hopping.  We are simply visiting them for exposure and learning experience.  Every church have its pros and cons.   Sometimes when we stay in a church for a season, we become blinded to our weaknesses and thus no effort is done in improving our local churches.

Since hubby is on Sabbatical, we grab the opportunity to visit Agape Church at Seremban.  My first impression of this church is the ample parking space.  Their traffic warden helped us to find the perfect parking lot where we could leave early without being blocked by other cars.  

As we walked into the church compound, one may be lost as the main service and the children ministry are in two separate buildings.  However, the ushers were friendly and kind.  They brought us around and made sure the children were in safe hands before bringing us back to the main sanctuary.

The children's hall is big and very well equipped. How I wish our church Sunday School could have similar standard.  I guess this hall may act as an ultimate hall for smaller gathering.  When I say 'small', I mean... it could easily accommodate 100 pax.

The worship is one thing which I missed dearly.  There weren't many songs, yet the flow and the dynamic of the worship was beautifully carried out.  No doubt I sometimes do long for that charismatic style of worship.

The sermon was delivered but I can't remember much.  Asked Andrew, he too can't remember much.  Therefore there probably wasn't anything impressive.

There was a ministering time after the sermon and that's when we 'cabut'.  (Lol)  We didn't want to stay back for fellowship for we know that we were there for just one Sunday.

Comments:  It was drizzling when we left the sanctuary.  Since our car was parked at the back and up the hill, there was no proper shelter to cover us from the showers of heaven.  Could there be another route?  Not very sure though.  Thank God it wasn't a heavy downpour. 


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Visited Full Gospel Tabernacle Subang for the second time.  I am utterly surprised that the usher could identify us as new comers.  After all, we are talking about more than 500 people in one service!!  We missed the Children's Church as it was conducted before the main service commence.  So, children stayed in the hall with us.

The sanctuary is very spacious.  Unlike many Pentecostal churches who spend thousands in interior design to enhance the beauty of the hall, this hall is considerably plain.  The worship was long (just as I remembered).  And there was an invited speaker from overseas.

Lo and behold, as the service ended we packed our bags and left in haste.  Yet the ushers caught us just in time.  They extended a warm hand of fellowship yet we gently denied.  But their friendliness did left an impression on me.

Comments: Still find the corporate worship a bit too long.