Monday, October 20, 2014

All-night Prayer Meeting

1st May 2014

Seriously, I'm so way behind my blog update.  Just realised our second All-night Prayer Meeting is going be to tomorrow but I haven't write anything about our first All-night Prayer Meeting yet.

My experience in All-night Prayer Meeting goes all the way back when I was a teen.  Ahh... sounds like ages ago... Pastor Ronnie was my pastor then and he truly was a man of prayer.  Every Saturday night we gathered together from 10pm till the next day 4am for a time of worship and prayer.  That's where I learned what is it to wait upon the Lord, what is spiritual warfare, what is driving walk/drive and etc.  I love every moment of it!  However, there were times we fell asleep (oops!!!) while praying; there were times time seemed to pass-by so fast without us realising it.  6 hours of praying non-stop is no joke.  But we did it with the strength of the Lord.  I really missed those days.  It was one of the best moment in my Christian walk with God.

It has been years since I last attended an All-night prayer meeting.  So when the church organised one early this year, my heart was pumping with excitement.  But I was very reluctant to attend.  'How about my two kids?  I couldn't just leave them at home unattended though they are sleeping'.  Motherly instinct kicked in again.  Thank God for a supporting hubby.  He encouraged me to bring the children over.  'Just let them hang around', he said.  I wasn't very sure will that work but decided to give it a try.

On that very day itself, I made sure both my kids took a long nap in the afternoon.  I also packed lots of food for them in case they grew hungry.  Books, ipad, DVD and everything I could imagine to keep the children occupied were all part of my 'luggage'.  The two kids were very excited, more excited than me, I think.  How many kids are allowed to stay up till the wee hours?  This would be their very first time.

On the other hand, since this is the first time Wesley Melaka is conducting an All-night prayer meeting, the leadership did not expect many to attend.  A row of chairs were prepared which could only accommodate 20 pax the most.  But at 11pm, another 3 rows of chairs were added due to the overwhelming response from the floor.  72 people were present!!! ... and 44 stayed till the end!!!  Praise the Lord! 

The 6-hour-prayer-meeting were divided into 6 slots.  Each slot started off with praise and worship followed by a time of intercession.  Then a 5 minutes break for people to refresh themselves with a cup of coffee.  However, as we embarked on the 5th and 6th slots, something different took place.  God moved in His special way amongst us.  Exactly how and what was it I'm not too sure, coz I was occupied with my kids and I did not witness it first hand. 

My two kids and I stayed in the Baby Room most of the time.  Although I may be a little 'far' from the crowd, I'm contented with this baby step.  As much as I would love to join the rest of them right at the front pews, I do not want my children to be a disruption to the meeting.

For everyone who have participated, it is my sincere prayer that you be ministered to during these special hours of prayer.  May this experience give you a taste of what David wrote in Psalm 27:4 One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.

And for those who have yet to join us, why don't you give it a try?  Whilst it is not easy to deny the flesh and stay up till 5am just for prayer; if we can do so for a football match, or preparing for exam, or doing an assignment; we certainly can do it for our dear Lord Jesus.

Looking forward to our second All-night Prayer Meeting!  As the song goes...

Come, Holy Spirit, fall on me now
I need your anointing, come with your power
I love you Holy Spirit, you've captivating my soul
And everyday I grow to love you more
I'm reaching for your heart, you hold my life in your hand
Drawing me closer to you, I feel your power renew
Nothing compared to this place, where I can see you face to face
I worship you in spirit and in truth

The crowd at 4am

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