I have been praying for a clear sign when the time comes. It was about 8am. After washing up and changing into a decent outfit, I felt water flowing out uncontrollably. My immediate reaction was: Is this what people have been described – a gush of water? I waited. I felt water flowing out and my pants were wet. Surprisingly, I was calm. I checked my bag which was packed sometime ago. Making sure everything was there, including some last minute stuff, eg camera. Then I took a quick bath.
Andrew has been waiting for me downstairs for quite awhile. Finally he came upstairs to look for me. I told him that I suspected my waterbag has burst. He looked at me in doubt. Then my pants were wet again. Another gush of water? I thought it was a one-time-thingy. I didn’t hear from others that there’s going to be a few times??? Anyway, I was hungry. I told Andrew that I needed to grab something for breakfast before going to the hospital. So, we headed for Old Town. Oops, did I mention I got to change again? :p
When we reached Assunta Hospital, we went straight to the labour ward. I was admitted around 9:30am. From 8am till then, once in awhile I felt water flowing out. I lost count of how many times. I was ushered by the nurse on duty to change into hospital outfit. Then they checked on my pressure, temperature and all the other normal procedure. One of them told me that she’s going to check on my cervix. After applying some cream, she inserted her fingers into my cervix. Uncertain of her finding, she asked another senior nurse to do the same again. They both confirmed that my cervix has not opened and my contraction was still far apart. So, what’s next? Wait. Wait for the cervix to open. Wait for the contraction to be stronger and closer.
Waiting. Waiting. That’s what Andrew and I have been doing for the whole morning. Andrew was asked to pay deposit of RM3k and confirm the room. The hospital has provided lunch for me but Andrew needed to go to the café to grab a bite. Then I was forbidden from eating and drinking since then. Every hour the nurse came in to check my pressure and temperature. The contraction was 15 minutes apart and it was very mild. I thought to myself: Could this be the pain that everyone is talking about? Am I the ‘lucky one’ that do not experience great pain like some describing as passing motion?
Finally my gynae came. He checked on my contraction. Then his conclusion is I can go home if the contraction remains as it is. Andrew and I were shocked! “But her waterbag has burst!?!”, Andrew said. Looks like the nurse did not inform my gynae on that. Then my gynae suggested to induce.
The nurse inserted a pill in my cervix. This is to soften the muscle around my cervix so that it may open. Then after 3 hours, they put drips on me – to bring about a stronger contraction. Then I started to feel the pain. Labour pain. The nurse taught me on the breathing method to ease my pain. I followed. My contraction was then 8 minutes apart. Nurse checked on my cervix again and she said it was about 5cm dilated.
Around 6pm, I agreed to have an injection to ease my pain. Maybe it helped. Maybe it didn’t. Every contraction I held tight on Andrew’s hand and practice on the breathing. When there was no contraction, I dozed off to sleep. My gynae visited me again and he encouraged me to take the epidural. I was stubborn not to accept epidural due to my previous experience when I delivered my eldest daughter. However, the intensity of pain has humble me to accept epidural at 8:30pm after Andrew persuaded me.
To our surprise, instead of giving me an epidural, the nurses came in and informed us that I was ready for the final push. They placed my legs apart and taught me how to push when the contraction came. I followed their instructions as much as I could. I was tired. Exhausted. Yet I knew I need to press on. A short while later my gynae came in. Andrew described him to be like a butcher, with his transparent helmet and gloves on. He did episiotomy on my cervix area. We found out later it was about 1 inch long. I knew he performed a surgical cut on me but the labour pain has overpowered every other pain. Finally, at 8:55pm I gave another push and the baby’s head was out. The medical team encouraged me to give another push but I was too weak by then. However, my gynae managed to somehow grab the baby’s head and pull him out completely. Andrew was marveled at how he did it!
The nurse passed the baby to me but I only manage to steal a look at him. My baby. Weight around 3.1kg. There wasn’t any special or emotional feeling. I guess I was too worn out. I was then left resting while my gynae stitched me back.
The funny thing is, I couldn’t describe or remember the pain thereafter. It was gone! I know I have never experienced such pain before nor can I ever imagine it. And I certainly do not want to go through it again! But, nothing can I put into words how painful it was.
We thank God that everything went on well and there are no complications. Baby Erwyn is healthy and Andrew was with me all the time.
This is just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.
This is just the beginning of a new chapter in our lives.
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