Saturday, April 2, 2011

Priceless Experiences Part 2

Elyse was not an easy baby to take care with.  Being inexperienced made things worst.  In Part 1, I've mentioned that Elyse drinks her milk rather slow.  Since she was under weight (only 2.06kg) when she was born, we were very concerned of her intake of milk.  Not only did she drink very slow, she drank very little, too.

She was also very fussy when it came to sleeping.  I remembered there was a season her internal clock is upside down - sleeping during the day and wide awake at night.  Each of us have to take turn to take care of her at night. 

Then another season when she refused to sleep on her bed.  I would need to carry her to sleep for almost 2/3 hours.  If I ever put her down too quickly, she would cried non stop.  Now we thanked God that she was not heavy.  Just imagine how tiring it would be for carrying a baby for 2/3 hours.

Even while I continued to breast feed her, Elyse fell ill when she was 4th month old (if I remembered correctly).  Feeding medicine was yet another challenge.

I was grateful for having my in laws around during those tough days and months.  My father in law needed to wash Elyse's nappies 2 times a day to ensure sufficient supply.  My mother in law did not only cook, but cleaned up the house and took care of Elyse.  I couldn't imagine how Andrew and I would be able to manage without their help.

Part 3 I'll tell you the story of my delivery.  Again, it is quite a traumatic one.

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