Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kindergarten Excursion

19th March 2013

The Portuguese colonised Melaka from 1511 to 1641. The first thing they did was build a fort overlooking the river, calling it A'Famosa.  A'Famosa suffered severe destruction during the Dutch invasion. Only the entrance walls is left standing.  Though it is small but the building was well preserved as well as the cannons. Considering the age of the building is over 500 years old, it certainly has stood the test of time. So many historic buildings are normally fenced off but they allow access to walk through and around the building. 

It was a priviledge for Elyse's kindergarten to organise an excursion to such a historical place.  However, I couldn't stop to wonder how many children actually understand the significant of this building.

A group photo before the climb - fresh and happy!

Getting ready?

What a view as you climb up the stairs

I am so surprised that the kids at such a young age could manage it all the way.  Bravo to all (including the teachers!).

Finally reached the destination - the Fort

Mission Accomplished!

Another group photo - sweating and smelly

After all the hard work and exercise, what better rewards for the kids than to have a Happy Meal from McDonald!!!

Elyse came back from the trip feeling excited.  She kept asking us to bring her back there again.  But Mommy and Daddy really doubt that she would climb up the stairs all by herself if we bring her on our own.

Nevertheless, I big 'THANK YOU' to all the teachers and helpers for organising such a trip. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Melaka Planetarium

16th November 2013

This year, the Sunday School has organised a day trip to Melaka Planetarium.  This is one place that I thought of bringing my children but never got the chance to do so yet.  So of course, I was excited and signed up both Elyse and Erwyn for the trip.

Malacca Planetarium Adventure Science Centre, aka Melaka Planetarium, is a learning centre dedicated to the exciting world of astronomy and science.  Browsing through the web, I was surprised to find out that this is the biggest planetarium in Asia.  It is measured up with a world class planetarium, exhibition hall and furnished with animation equipment that allows 200 viewers to enjoy video film on astronomy.

We gathered in the church and embarked on our journey soon after that.  The children were excited as ever as we sat in the bus to travel to our destination.  Somehow, they love to sit in a bus, especially after watching the Disney Channel - Tayo, the little bus. 

When we reached the planetarium, we were ushered into the 3D theatre.

The show was awesome.  The graphic, the sound, the narration - everything was perfect EXCEPT the audience.  My two children were so scared throughout the entire show that I have to hug them tightly.  Looks like they are too young to enjoy it.

After that, the group was separated into two - the older children went on to explore on the volcano whereas the younger ones stayed back to have a hands on experience on how to create a rainbow and build their very own rocket (made by straw though).

Trying to create rainbow colour on the paper plate

Erwyn with his straw rocket


Lunch was served, and what else to give to the chldren except the perfect McDonald Happy Meal?  We headed back to the church once again in the bus.  The trip was fun but perhaps I would wait for them to grow slightly older before visiting again.

Colouring Contests

Nov & Dec 2013

It has always been Elyse's dream to join a colouring contest.  I am quite surprised as she is not a child who spends much time in colouring.  When I found out that Tesco was organising colouring contest, I brought my darling over.

I was really amazed at how well equipped were the children who participated in the contest.  They brought their own table and chair, and of course crayon and colouring pencils, old newspaper and rag.

The first time I brought Elyse to participate the contest, we only brought a long a 12 piece colouring pencils.  I've learned my lessons then.  The second time, I too, joined the other 'kiasu' parents, brought a table and a floor map (to sit on) for Elyse.  But Elyse insisted using colouring pencils than crayon.

Children concentrated at their masterpiece

All the participants

Elyse won consolation price

Well done, Elyse!  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

Kindergarten Graduation and Concert 2013

9th November 2013

After working hard for the past one year, finally today is the day the students received their awards and moved on to the next phase of their lives.  As for Elyse, she still has one more year to go.  But I was excited to watch her perform in school.  Well, which mummy and daddy wouldn't?  Our kids are always a 'star' in our heart no matter how they did on stage.  Though Elyse was not the best among the group and looked a bit blur and missed a few steps, it still brought a smile to my face whenever I look at the video.

Medley of songs presented by the nursery class

Our 'star' was standing at the left corner

My beautiful princess darling